Most Sundays we take ourselves off to the local markets to shop for fruit and vege's. We're very lucky here because the area has a lot of small crops so it's very easy to get variety and value. The last couple of weeks we've been buying beautiful cauliflowers that I've made into soup and the strawberries are lovely. Custard apples have started to appear as well and they have a velvety texture when you cut them open. I really like the interaction with the stall holders it's much nicer than the sterile environment of a supermarket.
Flowers are also available and on Sunday we bought two bunches of gladioli for $6, you can't beat that. I love cut flowers. Both my grandparents enjoyed having flowers around. Nana lived in Sydney and bought hers although she did have green fingers and maintained a small garden. She was prone to gathering cuttings while you were out walking, talk about embarrassing your grandkids. Mum's parents lived on a farm and Grandpa would grow long rows of flowers that he would rotate every couple of years. Sweet pea's and gladioli are the two that I remember most. $6 is pretty cheap for beautifying your house and maybe making some memories for your own kids.